Someone Is Wrong On The Internet.

Seems to me some people can’t take criticism and it’s actually been said to me that “if you’ve got nothing good to say you shouldn’t say anything”. I wasn’t aware that field target was such a totalitarian theocracy but I get why the toys come out of the pram but I still don’t agree with it, chuffing snowflakes.

I probably shoot different course’s 48 weeks a year, I know when I’ve shot badly or when I’ve shot a poke and hope course. My problem is, I don’t get why poke and hope course even exist at all, I know its hard to predict the chaos that is our weather but if you are NOT planning for weather changes while building a course I would argue that you are doing it wrong.

The second part of all the blather at the weekend is “the countries elite are coming”. This is just nonsense, there’s little to no difference between any/all of the shooters at a national event, just look at the results, the stats will prove this statement to be true. No region has got a secret batch of shooters they are holding back, all the top boys and girls travel, if anything some regions have to pull from the lower ranks.

Putting out a course you are managing an event and as such it’s entertainment, if you work in this industry then you must consider your actual audience. I wrote this before everything kicked off. and I think it’s spot on.

I’m not surprised that my constructive comments get turned on me and interpreted as me wanting it easy or being shite, ad hominems are easy to do and nothing could be further from the truth. It’s true, I do hate long, straight in front and perfunctory courses in 20mph wind, they’re boring, pointless and only serve to drive your audience away.

Then I always get “only wants to stay in the kill” or “40yders give you a boner” neither of which are true either, did I moan about Tondu, no, I shot badly and did I moan about Oaktree? No, I shot brilliantly and was hardly ever in the kill, people should learn not to build strawmen arguments, they are too easy to burn down.

I pretty much agree with everything Conor has written in this guide, ignore that advice at your own peril.