Couple of Thoughts

So, I’ve been here a couple of days and I’ve been OK in the heat, I really thought I’d struggle so that’s a welcome surprise, defiantly need to purchase some sunglasses mind.

What’s not so welcome is the windy, 15-20mph and it’s switching very quickly. Looks like a hard 3 days has just got a lot harder. I reckon shooting in this is going to take 100% focus and all on the trigger, I’m up for it! Even though I know for a fact looking the locations that it’s going to be a mix of East Devon and Quarry GP’s rolled into one and then amped to 11!

The plan to stay off the beer on the shoot nights but the Welsh get to the hotel tomorrow so that may go out of the window, I hope it doesn’t because it’s a long way to come to suffer via your own foolishness. I must resist 🙂

More reports and videos to follow tomorrow, thank you for all the support and please share a few things for me if you can. Booking in starts on Monday and we get to practice on Tuesday so I should have loads more to say later in the week.